Saturday, August 21, 2010

The Roommies

Later that night once things started slowing down I met the other girls I will be living with. We live in a 3 bedroom apartment, so there are 6 of us total.
My roommate is Layshia, she is from Colorado. When I met her, she seemed cool, but I didn't think I would have much in common with her.
Then is room 2 there is Danielle and Judith.They were both pretty out-going and I liked that, so on first impressions, I thought the three of us would get along.
Then in room 3 there is Erin,who is like the sweetest 'southern belle' you will ever meet, and Yvonne, who guess what, is the SAME NICE/COOL hispanic girl I met on the shuttle bus the day before.

Based off of first impressions, I thought everyone was nice and we would get along, but it felt awkward because it seemed like we didn't really have much to talk to each other about. However, now that we have hung out a lot since we have been here, we are all really getting along, and I really like the girls. I am happy they are my room mates.

We also all seem to have formed a smallish-famly type thing, and it's funny to see all of our personalities mesh together. It is like this:
Erin: The Baby (in the sweet kind way, not like she crys like a baby)
Yvonne: The Intellect (she is kind of intreverted, but still fun and she seems SO smart)
Judith: Tex-Mex (She is fun and so full of life, plus she always has random witty things to say)
Danielle: The Barbie (She is pretty and used to do cheerleading so she is always SO peppy! &really funny)
Layshia: The Bold One (She is shy and quiet some of the time, but other times, she just says exactly how she feels, and she is funny to me. I really enjoy her company.)
I guess if they had to say what I was they would probably say I was the 'Party Girl.' I have had a lot of fun at Disney so far! The next day, I would go to one of the best parties I have been to in a long time.

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